Books From My Closet

"I Love Books The Way Some Girls Love Shoes"

Choosing the Right Book…

Hello Dear Followers,

Last night I was reading some of the final pages of “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed, (not finished it yet..almost done!) and I began to think about my next book choice.  For months I had one book in mind, was so sure about it.  Until last night.

What made last night stand out? Nothing really. But I think my needs changed. And right now, I am looking for an escape.  And this book may not be it. No biggie.  A few days ago, two friends recommended two different self-help books, while I have both on my to-read list, I think I need a fictional novel.

Let me dive into someone else’s life while I try to figure out my own.  Have you ever felt this way before? Not knowing which book to choose?  Here are some things to think about:

  • Pick a book based on what you are feeling. Intuitive reading I like to call it. What does your heart and mind need at this moment? Does it need some help? And are you willing to listen? Choose a self-help book. Are you in love? Choose a good love story.  Let your feelings decide.
  • Are we going with classics, older contemporaries or the latest book trend?  Several people in the past have said to keep your blog engaging, you should be reading what is popular, I don’t know that I completely agree with that.  I think people appreciate books they haven’t heard about in a while, or books they have never heard of at all.  For example, right now I am sure everyone is reading a few of the following: “Big Little Lies”  or “Handmaid’s Tale” or they are re-reading “Fifty Shades Freed”.  Why not stay away from what is popular for a bit, return to these books when the popularity has dimmed a bit.
  • What genres are your favorite?  Do you tend to go back to old standbys or are you willing to branch out and try something new?
  • What you loved before, you may not love now.  I have a ton of books on my shelf that has me questioning, “What was I thinking when I bought this?” Which is sad, because my books are my treasures.
  • Reading is for enjoyment, so it’s important to choose a book you will actually enjoy and want to recommend to someone else.

Until next time…

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